Meet the Team
Director - Professor Alexander MacGregor

Professor of Genetic Epidemiology at UEA. He is a clinical rheumatologist with a research career that has focused on the epidemiology of chronic rheumatic diseases both from the perspective of aetiology and health services research. Chief Investigator for the Norfolk Arthritis Register. Close involvement with a number of national data projects, including the National Joint Register, CPRD, ELSA and UK Biobank.
Alexander Macgregor — University of East Anglia (
Associate Director - Professor Lee Shepstone

Professor of Medical Statistics. Part of MRC Gemini multimorbidity project. Experience of working with CPRD, Eclipse and large clinical trial data sets.
Associate Director - Professor Beatriz De La Iglesia

Beatriz de la Iglesia's research has focused in data mining algorithms and application, with particular experience in health care data analysis. She has worked, among other themes, on the analysis of primary care datasets for cardiovascular disease risk evaluation; on text mining of gastroenterology procedural reports to identify key success indicators; on linking data in the secondary care setting in order to create patient-centric databases suitable for clinical research; on the development of algorithms for clustering complex data with particular application to air pollution data; and on the analysis of twitter data for syndromic surveillance.
Beatriz de la Iglesia — University of East Anglia (
Associate Director - Dr Andrew Atkin

Andy is a lecturer in the School of Health Sciences and external research associate for the General Medical Council (GMC). He also serves as associate editor for the British Journal of Sports Medicine. Andy is a behavioural epidemiologist with particular interest in understanding the distribution and determinants of physical activity and sedentary behaviour in young people. He is a quantitative scientist with experience in longitudinal data analysis, systematic literature reviews (inc. meta-analysis), and data-pooling and harmonisation.
Senior Research Fellow - Dr Kathryn Richardson

Dr Kathryn Richardson is a Senior Research Fellow in Statistics at the Norwich Medical School. Her research focusses on the application of pharmacoepidemiological methods in the analysis of electronic medical record and cohort study data to examine the patterns and consequences of medication use in older people. Dr Richardson is currently an Alzheimer’s Society research fellow, leading a project aiming to refine her earlier work into the impact of anticholinergic bladder medications on dementia incidence. Previously she led an Alzheimer’s Society funded project on anticholinergic medications and benzodiazepines, conducted an NIHR funded project on medications for sleep disturbance in dementia and has co-authored 50 articles in peer-review journals ( Kathryn has expertise in the analysis of electronic medical records, particularly CPRD and HES, as well as considerable experience with MRC CFAS and TILDA.
A full list of Norwich Epidemiology Centre members is availabe here: Norwich Epidemiology Centre membership